• 万葉文化館について
  • 「万葉集」とは
  • 「万葉集」と日本文化
  • 万葉古代学とは
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緑色 …


赤色 …展覧会開催日

紫色 …休館日

□ 枠(日付に下線) …講座・イベント開催日

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イベントTrip to the Nara Prefecture Complex of Man’yo culture -Unique experiences await you here-

October 5(Sat.)・6(Sun.)・26(Sat.)・27(Sun.)・November 2(Sat.)・3(Sun.)

Trip to the Nara Prefecture Complex of Man’yo Culture
-Unique experiences await you here-


■Japanese Calligraphy Workshop
             by Calligrapher Ouka(逢香)■

Language: Japanese and English (Interpretation will be provided)
Date & Time: October 27 (Sun.) 14:00-15:30 
Capacity: 30 people
Venue: Nara Prefecture Complex of Man’yo Culture Special Event Hall
Participation Fee: Free 
 *Please bring your own japanese calligraphy set.
 *2,500 yen if a Japanese calligraphy set is required (advance order required).
 You can take the set home with you.
 Advance registration required (by lottery)

★Register here★

Deadline: September 30 (Mon.) 17:00
*Replies will be sent in early October.
Please note: Wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty.


■Guided Tours by Researchers ■

The museum's researchers will introduce in English Japan's oldest anthology of poetry, Man’yoshu, and other exhibits related to early Japanese culture in the museum.

Language: English
Date & Time: October 26(Sat.) 14:00-15:00 
Capacity: 15 people Registration not required
Fee: Free
Meeting Place: Entrance Hall of Nara Prefecture Complex of Man’yo Culture


■Let's Try on Ancient Costumes!■

Date & Time: October 5 (Sat.) ,6(Sun.)
          10:30-12:00, 13:30-15:00
          Can participate any time
Fee: Free


■Let's Mint an Ancient Copper Coin (“Fuhonsen”)!■

Date & Time: November 2 (Sat.), 3 (Sun.)
          10:30-12:00, 13:30-15:00
          Can participate any time
Fee: 300 yen 
*English explanation sheet available
